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Sunday, September 14, 2008

1865 United State One Dollar Coin

Right here I have posted One United State Of America liberty Dollar with a standing eagle. Nicely kept in my collection and still in a very fine condition. It was already 153 years old. I also have another one fine slver walking liberty 1904 1 oz coin in my collection that will be posted soon.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Performing at my friend, Saad's daughter wedding

This post was taken while I was performing at my friend Saad's son wedding. I am a part time keyboardist. Not a professional one but enough to hit a few keys here and there. I play guitar and blues harp as well. Once a while I perform at my friend's nearby restaurant just to help him to pull some crowds.
Standing beside me is Saad's nephew. Trying to request some songs to sing . Later he accompanied me performing. He was a good guitarist though.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Syilling Malaysia 1971

Disini Matselongkar postkan gambar duit siling satu ringgit tahun 1971. Duit ni ader banyak dalam simpanan aku. Ader ler lebih kurang 12 keping. Tak tahulah kenapa duit syilling ni dianggap istimewa oleh sesetengah pengumpul duit syilling lama. Tapi kalau kiter klick kat gambar sebelah tu untuk lihat full size picture, kat atas parliment tu memang ader satu sosok manusia sedang menjenguk kebawah, Betul-betul kat atas parliman kat bawah bulan sabit tu. Tapi yang aku tahu duit ni memang dah susah nak dapat pada masa sekarang ni.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Aida's Birthday

Today is the birthday of my daughter, Aida. She is nine now. Quiet and charming. Very nice little girl without complaining a lot. Smart little one and cute. We have a small and quick celebration during breaking fast today.
She is in the middle of the picture posted in this post.